Studiedag 8 december ’23:

Onze Brouwerijstudiedag zal dit jaar plaatsvinden op vrijdag 8 december 2023 en niet op de eerste vrijdag van december.

Dit omdat de internationale brouwbeurs “Brau Beviale” doorgaat van 28 – 30 november 2023. Er wordt weer hard gewerkt door het bestuur om een interessante studiedag op poten te zetten en we hopen met een iets latere datum opnieuw op een massale opkomst.

Inschrijven kan je via volgende link:

Our symposium on malting and brewing this year will take place on Friday, December 8, 2023 and not on the first Friday in December.
This is because the international brewing fair “Brau Beviale” will be held from November 28 – 30, 2023.

The board is again working hard to put together an interesting symposium and we hope with a slightly later date again on a massive participation.

You can register via the following link:


08.30   Verwelkoming

08.45   Begroeting door Marc Strubbe

09.00   Elektrisch brouwen van uitdaging tot oplossing

Bert Van Hecke, B’Brew

De wens om een volledige brouwerij elektrisch te verwarmen is al geruime tijd onderwerp van discussie en zelden in de praktijk gebracht voor brouwzalen die groter zijn dan 10 hL. B’Brew stelt hun gepatenteerde oplossing voor bestaande uit koude- en warmteopslagsystemen, een aangepaste brouwzaal en een geavanceerd energiebeheersysteem.

09.30   Impact of climate change on raw materials

Michael Hoppenbrouwers, Boortmalt

In this presentation we will discuss the impact of climate change on the crop and malt production – highlighting the main effect and discuss possible mitigation strategies.

10.00   Recovery of beer and wort with centrifuges in breweries

Wolf Herberg, GEA Group

Losses of beer and wort occurring in different steps in the brewing process are painful for all breweries in times of recent price increases for raw materials and energy. The usage of centrifuges in breweries offers a good opportunity to reduce losses and increase the yield while maintaining the high quality standards.

10.30    Using artificial intelligence to understand and improve beer aroma

Kevin Verstrepen, KU Leuven and VIB

The rapid progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence has a profound impact on all levels of society, including beer brewing.  Here, we investigate the potential of machine learning to model and understand the complex relationship between chemistry and beer aroma.  We demonstrate the new models’ capacity to tweak the aroma of existing beers.

11.00  Pauze

12.00  The Steinecker Brewnomic system and the status of Phoenix, a current  

R&D project in terms of spent grains conversion

Peter Gattermeyer, Steinecker GmbH

Brewnomic stands for a modular system of solutions to clear the way for an energy-self-sufficient brewery. For example, the Equitherm module has been successfully implemented in breweries worldwide for years. Phoenix is supposed to be a new member of the Brewnomic family – a R&D project related to spent grains conversion.

12.30   Hop Creep & Refermentation Refresher

Adam Johnson, Murphy &Sun

Hop Creep, Dry Hop Creep, The Freshening Power of Hops or Hop Induced Refermentation, the phenomenon has many names and has been observed for over 130 years. The focus of the presentation will be to review our current understanding of causes, the impact on the brewery and to discuss strategies for hop induced refermentation management.

13.00    A Taste Test of Yeasts: Comparing Commercial Options for Low-Alcohol and Alcohol-Free Beer Production

Jessika De Clippeleer, Ghent University and HOGENT

Elia Myncke, Ghent University

Today, several maltose and/or maltotriose negative yeast strains to produce non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers are commercially available. To date, however, there is a lack of comprehensive comparative studies on these commercial yeasts, making it challenging for brewers to assess the impact of these alternative yeast strains on the final beer.

13.45   Bekendmaking winnaars ‘Brouwquiz’

14.00   Netwerklunch in ‘De Foyer’