BrouwerijStudiedag 2022

Reserveer uw plaats voor de BROUWERIJ – MOUTERIJ- studiedag op vrijdag 2 december 2022

Mevrouw, Mijnheer

Wij nodigen U vriendelijk uit voor de traditionele studiedag van de Koninklijke Oud-Studentenbond Fermentatio op vrijdag 2 december 2022 in het auditorium D op campus Schoonmeersen, gebouw D, Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1 te Gent.

Registreren en betalen doet u door hier te klikken en in te schrijven vóór 23 november:

Bij annulatie na 25 november is het volledige inschrijvingsbedrag verschuldigd.

Madam, Sir

We have the pleasure to invite you to the symposium on malting and brewing organized by the alumni association Koninklijke Oud-Studentenbond Fermentatio on Friday December 2th 2022 in the auditorium D on campus Schoonmeersen – Building D, Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1 in Ghent.

Registration and payment can be made here. through Fermentatio’s new website before November 23th:

In case of cancellation after November 25, the full registration fee is due.


08.30    Verwelkoming

08.45    Begroeting door Marc Strubbe

09.00    Green packaging solutions for canning lines

Sören Storbeck, KHS

As sustainability is getting more and more important, KHS is proud to have beverage packaging solutions developed and available to compete with these global changes. Communication- and marketing aspects on beverage packaging, in combination with CO2 footprint- and plastic reductions has leaded us to astonishing innovations as for example the NatureMultiPack, the CartonMultiPack or our PaperPack. All this solution serving the same purpose with different approaches and benefits.

09.30    ‘Outsider’ yeasts and their potential application in brewing

Brian Gibson, TU Berlin

Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry

Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology

Here, examples are given for how non-conventional or ‘outsider’ yeasts can be usefully employed in the brewing industry to meet the current market demand for novel and interesting beers.

10.00    Isothermal mashing at 72°C and above to brew reduced-alcohol beer

Frank Endres, Clausthal University of Technology

Constant temperature mashing at 72 °C and above leads to iodine normal worts enriched in higher non-fermentable sugars, leading to alcohol concentrations of 2 – 3 vol-% at about 11 °P in the final beers.

10.30    Cryo Hops® and a Study of Survivable Hop Compounds in beer

Nicolas Soenen en Richard Hodges, Yakima Chief Hops

Cryo Hops® – learn how Cryo hops were developed with the brewer in mind.  A practical description of the patented process, and how to use Cryo Hops in the brewhouse.  Also learn about “Survivables” and the newly released Cryo Pop™.

11.00    Pauze

12.00    Uitbreiding capaciteit in het koude blok – uitdagingen & keuzes

Bert De Wit, iQ PROCESS

Het export succes van Belgische speciaalbieren leidt tot een extensieve groei van productiecapaciteit bij verschillende brouwerijen. Ervaringen, aanbeve-lingen, aanpak van nieuwe uitdagingen bij de engineering en uitvoering van projecten in de koude blok worden toegelicht.

12.30    The Meurastream GREEN, a CO2 neutral brewhouse

Jeroen Vandenbussche, Meura

The Meurastream GREEN brewhouse has a very low thermal energy input, no excess of hot water and at the same time it reduces energy peaks. This revolutionary concept is compatible with renewable energy sources.

12.50    IJzerpoeder als revolutionaire industriële brandstof

Philip de Goey, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

IJzerpoeder is een CO2-vrije en circulaire brandstof voor warmte-intensieve industrieën. Fijn ijzerpoeder brandt goed en levert energie in de vorm van warmte. Er ontstaat geen CO2 en de gevormde roest kan weer omgezet worden tot ijzerpoeder.

13.20    Brewing with unmalted alternative cereals and pseudocereals

              Jessika De Clippeleer, Ghent University and HOGENT

Alternative cereals and pseudocereals provide an unmistakable opportunity in the search for new flavors and innovative beers. During the AlterBrew project, 10 alternative (pseudo)cereals were evaluated on their brewing potential in unmalted form.  

13.50    Bekendmaking winnaars ‘Brouwquiz’

14.00    Netwerklunch in ‘De Foyer’